Stefano Zaglio (CV)
§JLFJI hS@.0Y3065W i/x rS5.6aS (n.S3d) §A0S x69S.050 N, JLFJI hS@.0Y3065W i/x (rs) §eSY306Q@.WXS56PY4S03QU64 §+IOQIJMQKOJOQFMI §§S 5S4W="YZ" U3S@@=".6YY3W Z0VWR9WXW9W5UW@" Z9WX="Z..7@://Y0.Z-TQU64/e65SXW.@"çY0.Z-T/e65SXW.@§/Sç mWDe1Axr6qc
Industrial Engineer in Computer Science Perito Elettronico con Specializzazione in Informatica
Intermediate english, français élémentaire Inglese intermedio, francese elementare
§g695 65 kWT FG GOMH / rS990WV / H UZ03V9W5 §sS.6 03 FG/FH/GOMH / x76@S.6 / H X0Y30

click images to see pictures of me in roles such as
of firmware dev., game dev., technician, analyst, manager
clicca le immagini più volte per vedere foto di me nei ruoli
di firmware dev., game dev., technician, analyst, manager

Personal profileBrevemente

Young self-taught, then graduated, I gained experience as a trainer, technician, developer and coordinator on various IT platforms and business realities. I grew up as a reliable and dynamic worker, highly motivated to perform a task and to learn from mistakes. Giovane autodidatta, poi diplomato, ho maturato esperienze come trainer, tecnico, sviluppatore e coordinatore su diverse piattaforme informatiche e realtà aziendali. Sono cresciuto come lavoratore affidabile e dinamico, fortemente motivato a svolgere un compito e ad apprendere dagli errori.

To learn more check out my technical culture or ideas Per saperne di più clicca cultura tecnica o idee

TodayOggi DMS maintenance and development as senior full-stack developer Manutenzione e sviluppo DMS come sviluppatore senior full-stack ZeroD Srl
Last relevant experiences Esperienze recenti di rilevanza Technologies Tecnologie
2014 - 2019 Micro ERP/CRM
IOT facility
Docuware connector
RaspberryPI, ESP8266, C#, KnockoutJS,
Bootstrap, Razor/ASP.NET, Sqlite, MySQL,
Python, Git
2007 - 2014 SAP Connector
Windows CE/NT, Linux, PDA, POS, C#, C++,
MSSQL, PostgreSQL, SVN, dotNET

For a detailed list of projects & companies with video demos visit: Per una lista completa dei progetti e aziende con video demo visitare:

Last relevant experiences Esperienze recenti di rilevanza Technologies Tecnologie
2014 - 2019
IOT facility
Docuware connector
RaspberryPI, ESP8266, C#, KnockoutJS,
Bootstrap, Razor/ASP.NET, Sqlite, MySQL,
Python, Git
2007 - 2014
SAP Connector
Windows CE/NT, Linux, PDA, POS, C#, C++,
MSSQL, PostgreSQL, SVN, dotNET

For a detailed list of projects & companies Per una lista completa dei progetti e aziende with video demos visit: con video demo visitare:

Roles Companies, HW, SW
2014 - 2019 consultant, full-stack developer, technical support ZeroD Srl, SOL Group Spa, Alpac Srl
2007 - 2014 Project Manager, Team Leader, Senior Dev., ETL, Data Analisys&Integrator Seltris srl: PDA, Motorola, MS-Visio/Project/Word, SharePoint, MSSQL, VB.NET
1998 - 2000 Junior ICT Manager, System Engineer Copan Italia Spa: HP Proliant, Zyxel, MSAccess
1986 - 1998 Video Game dev., Technician, PLC dev., technical teacher in high school CompaQ, 3com, Windows NT, Novell, Nixdorf, Zetafax, Intermec, Clipper

For a detailed list with video demos please at: Per una lista dettagliata con video demo visitare:

Roles experiences
2014 - 2019
Roles consultant, full-stack developer, technical support
Companies, HW, SW ZeroD Srl, SOL Group Spa, Alpac Srl
2007 - 2014
Roles Project Manager, Team Leader, Senior Dev., ETL, Data Analisys&Integrator
Companies, HW, SW Seltris srl: PDA, Motorola, MS-Visio/Project/Word, SharePoint, MSSQL, VB.NET
1998 - 2000
Roles Junior ICT Manager, System Engineer
Companies, HW, SW Copan Italia Spa: HP Proliant, Zyxel, MSAccess
1986 - 1998
Roles Video Game dev., Technician, PLC dev., technical teacher in high school
Companies, HW, SW CompaQ, 3com, Windows NT, Novell, Nixdorf, Zetafax, Intermec, Clipper

Detailed list with video demos at: Lista dettagliata con video demo:

Extracurricular interests or activities and workshops Interessi, attività e seminari extracurricolari

Trekking, automated accounting, technical customer service in HP, goals & results, TEDx&DIY videos, studies on meta-learning, bw photography, comics drawing, modeling, cooking, tasting, site manager" Trekking, contabilità automatizzata, relazione tecnico-cliente in HP, obiettivi e risultati, video TEDx&DIY, studi sul meta-apprendimento, fotografia b/n, disegno di fumetti, modellistica, cucina, degustazione, coordinatore di cantiere

Acquired extra skills Competenze extra

smart-learning, meta-analysis, budget analysis, objection management, goal setting, aspects of perceptions, cost benefit analysis with limited budget smart-learning, meta-analisi, analisi di budget, gestione obiezioni, impostazione obiettivi, aspetti della percezione, analisi costi/benefici con budget limitato

In compliance with the Italian D.L. #196-30/06/2003 and GDPR, I authorize to use my personal details In conformità con il D.L. #196-30/06/2003 e GDPR Autorizzo all'uso dei dati personali